Birthday Quiz

In this month of June 2023, VDO France celebrates its 17th anniversary. An important age of youth which brings VDO France out of its phase of stability to fully enter a phase of growth. Indeed, at the age of 17, VDO France realizes all its strengths and all its potential, which leads it to make important decisions that will continue to forge its personality a little more in the next stages of its development. At 17, a great choice has been made since VDO France is entering the fight against global warming. A great choice certainly, but a natural choice in line with its values, the main one being to put the Human at the center of its project. To find out more, we have concocted a little quiz for you to play!


VDO France, it’s 4 offices, all specialist on scandinavian market. True or false ?

VDO France organize only standard transport. True or false ?

VDO France get OEA Label. True or false ?

In 2022, VDO France organized 20000 expeditions. True or false ?

VDO France is a freight forwarder responsible of his environment. True or false ?

France government requires all the companies to enter in the process EVCOM to fight climate change. True or false ?

In 3 years VDO France must reduce his GES of 10 %. True or false ?

Only transporter can act to reduce GES. True or false ?

VDO France is in colaboration with local associations ? True or false ?

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